Monday, June 23, 2008

Domestic Bliss

Spending a week with a family is an incredible experience. I've got new friends, more photos than I know what do with, and plenty of inspiration. Now what? Well, I'm just not sure.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Life is good-ish.

Life is good. Ok, I admit it. I secretly hate the person with that bumper sticker or t-shirt, and I judge them. I have been silently judging THOSE people for years. Liars. These are the same people who wear Disney themed running apparel. Look I admit that life can be pretty great, for the most part. But that doesn't mean those people should get way with their stickers and bubbly fonts.

I don't think I came out of the womb like this. Take baby Boris for instance... he is perfect, innocent, and really into eating his hand.

My husband, the most wonderful husband of all time, brought me home pink roses! I was surprised to say the least. Jealous?

I garden now, officially. Only a few things have died on my watch, so I feel pretty good that I'll make it to the end of the summer with a belly full of fresh salsa from the garden, and more rosemary than I know what to do with! Don't you just love to say "rosemary"?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

family photos...

Love family photos, especially when its not my family photos from middle school. Took some photos of Matt, Leah, & Anya today on Fathers Day. Followed that by dinner with my Dad, which was really nice. I wanted to put a few photos up here because the image quality on my own website is so awful... gonna have to find a new host... if things don't improve.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Light at the end of the tunnel...

I can take a small break from photo editing now. Took a trip to Seattle, took lots of photos. Below is a very small sampling of some photos from this past week.